Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My Life As A Musical

I've been listening to the same sappy, sentimental soundtrack all day and I think that I'm going to end up spending a ridiculous amount of time putting together a playlist to fit my sappy, sentimental mood. Sometimes I imagine that my life has a soundtrack... and sometimes I imagine a life to fit the music I'm listening to. The latter of the two is much more fun.

I once saw a collection of stories in a bookstore that were all inspired by songs. And by 'saw' I mean I read half of it. It was interesting and I've often thought of doing the same. Hmmm... perhaps I should.

Coming Soon! A Story Inspired By Song!

1 comment:

Becker said...

I think you should write a story inspired by the Sanford and Son theme. Or else Magnum. Yeah! Magnum. God, that's sweet. Maybe I'll do that. Yeah! Second thought: save Magnum for me. You can do, like, The Who or even Garth Brooks. Hell, maybe even John Williams. I still like Sanford and Son though. Point is: save Magnum for me. Rock!