Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I just spent a few minutes with my head craned back watching the weather work its way around the sky. Cloudy weather is something that is often used as an ominous sign in literature. Hmmm... pathetic fallacy.(Thanks Steve, I will never forget that again.) Funerals in films are often accompanied by rain storms, etc., etc. While watching the clouds this afternoon a thought occured to me: this idea of cloudy, rainy weather being indicative of sadness is, at least in my world, fundamentally untrue. Those clouds swirling above me were so full of life, so full of change. Cloudy weather always imbues me with a restless energy and the question 'what comes next?'. There is no dark shadow hanging over me. Those clouds are moving, changing, and heavy with life. Beautiful.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My Life As A Musical

I've been listening to the same sappy, sentimental soundtrack all day and I think that I'm going to end up spending a ridiculous amount of time putting together a playlist to fit my sappy, sentimental mood. Sometimes I imagine that my life has a soundtrack... and sometimes I imagine a life to fit the music I'm listening to. The latter of the two is much more fun.

I once saw a collection of stories in a bookstore that were all inspired by songs. And by 'saw' I mean I read half of it. It was interesting and I've often thought of doing the same. Hmmm... perhaps I should.

Coming Soon! A Story Inspired By Song!


I am finishing the book I'm reading TODAY! End of story.

Monday, June 20, 2005

On Accomplishment

I don't know about other people, but I know that a good portion of my happiness depends very much on what I've accomplished. If I don't feel like I've accomplished enough I plummet into an awful, sticky depression. This is also tricky because even when I've accomplished something I tend to feel that what I've done isn't quite good enough and that is just as bad as not having done it at all. Likewise, if my accomplishment lacks tangible evidence of its existence it is the same as if I've accomplished nothing. This all means I'm very easily thrust into the throes of despair.

Why am I mentioning this? I am mentioning this because I can see clearly that I'm going to have to get something palpable done soon lest I'll be sucked into those murky depths of melancholia. I'm not saying I've not accomplished anything as of late... it's just that I haven't anything to show for what I've built. I need to be able to hand something to someone and say, "Look what I can do!".

That having been said: what I really want to do right now is take a nap... however, I think I'm going to do some reading so that I can say that I finished a book. Maybe I'll even write a bit about it. That will keep me from feeling like an utter failure!

Time Flies...

They say time flies when you're having fun and, of course, it's true. Time has been just wooshing by lately. The past week has taken mere minutes to disappear but, at the same time, so much has happened that it seems like at least a month has passed. It's been a little bitter sweet, this furious flying of time, however, my life feels very lived right now and I like that a lot. Somewhere along the line I started to enjoy both the ups and downs of life rather than waiting around for the ups. There's a lot more to enjoy that way.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

One Poem

My Old Friend Experience

I took a long, hot shower,
And put on my virginal, white panties
Today is a new day,
I can start clean and fresh
On second thought,
I'll wear black

Monday, June 13, 2005

O, genuine dawning of day, thou hast touched my heart and head!

This appeared with the sun this morning and should be fun to play with and expand on. I attribute its existence to a bit of manic enjoyment of Shakespeare last night.

Beware! This angel flies to thee and wouldst, if she could, cover thee in kisses sweet as wine and a love as solid as granite. There hast never been a truer being than she, nor a more passionate creature. There is a light in her eyes that shines rolling and liquid like mercury and will poison your blood with but a drop. The aching pain that follows will encompass your every waking moment and infect your dreams like a plague. But, soft, this pain will be as lovely and warm as a newborn babe and thou wilst learn to crave the comfortable death that pulls at your limbs. As swiftly as she has let this love seep from her finger tips, she will be gone. You'll want nothing more than to press your palm to hers and feel that surge of life and lust that so freely flowed before, but she was only yours for a moment and belongs to herself for eternity. You cannot have all that she contains, yet somehow, miraculously, you will find that all she is has found its place within your heart. Do not despair! She will have taught thee how to love with a passion that cannot be surpassed. If thou art faint of heart do not embark upon this journey. This road is long and will make you weary, but the reward is the greatest you will ever be granted.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

"Aye, there's the rub."

Life is so complicated! I love that sooo much! We love people that maybe we shouldn't, the ones we love don't love us back, we're tricked into loving someone we didn't mean to love, we can't always trust, families are never perfect, people die much too young, personal vendettas mute common sense and yes, sometimes you have to wonder if your uncle killed your father. The loose ends of life never really seem to tie themselves up very neatly and just when one problem is solved you notice that something else has been steadily unraveling. Aye, there's the rub! However, it's wonderful fun, these ups and downs.

I could probably write a bit about the conflicts in my life that planted this seed of thought, but I think I'll let those thoughts grow a bit. The words will be prettier when they blossom. Instead, I will do something that unnerves me a bit. I will share a bit of creative writing.

This Poem Isn't About You

I have a need,
Not even to know you,
Just to taste you

There is a sweetness that lies
Just below your surface,
Underneath that mottled rind
And pith
Washes that delicate drink
That I have divined

I want to drink 'til drunk

The need to taste appulses in my chest,
Volitates wildly within my ribs
If my thirst is not quenched with
The tiniest of tastes
You will haunt me
Like hidden treasure
and secret caves

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Scent of a Woman

Not long ago a friend of mine mentioned that I have a "pleasant smell", which was very nice of him, however, I never realized that he'd ever been close enough to me to pick up a scent. I immediately had images of him as a surreptitious sniffer leaning over and inhaling deeply while I'm momentarily distracted. After the initial shock, I realized that this probably wasn't the case and even if it was, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

I decided to share the story with my sister because she thinks much the way I do and I thought she'd be amused by the tale of the surreptitious sniffer... but, the hilarity of my ridiculous imaginings was completely lost on her. She was too busy heartily agreeing with the sniffer. According to her: Yes. I do have a pleasant smell. Not only that but, it is a very distinct smell that is quite noticeable. She insisted that she could walk into a room filled with clothing and be able to pick out the pieces that were mine.

At this point the original surreptitious sniffer was swiftlyswept from my mind by an image of my sister stealing shirts from my closet and burying her nose in them. This, I must admit, was even more unnerving... and it got worse. Almost as soon as the original had been replaced by my sister in my wild imaginings, a new image flooded my brain. In this picture both the surreptitious sniffer and my sister were present. They were having coffee. However, the coffee was being completely forgotten in the wake of their intent conversation about my smell.

Eventually I returned to reality and when I did I began to wonder about the science of scent. I'd seen a television show on the Discovery Channel, PBS, or the like about a study that was done where women were asked to sniff t-shirts that men had worn to sleep for a week. The outcome was that women seemed to prefer the scent of men who had immune systems that were the opposite of their own. I assume that this is nature's way of making sure there is always one parent that is healthy enough to take care of the offspring. The women found the scents of men who had the same sort of immune systems to be more like the scent of their brothers or fathers. I wonder if my sister, perhaps, finds my scent more noticeable than that of others due to a combination of familiarity and the fact that I have a different father than she. Does the immune system theory work conversely with men prefering the scent of women who will stay healthy when they are sick? Whose smell do I prefer? Do I more readily notice the smell of some people? Do I dislike the smell of people I dislike?

In any case, I am newly interested in the science of scent and am devouring information about pheromones and what not. Very interesting stuff. You'll probably hear more later.

And don't be alarmed if you notice that I've become a surreptitious sniffer.

Monday, June 06, 2005

One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry. -Oscar Wilde

Recently there have been a few men in my life who are interesting, handsome, smart, funny and seem to enjoy my company. We get along spectacularly and have friendships that could probably pretty easily move into a long term relationship. I like them. All of them.

However, I like being single too. I am enthralled with the possibilities and opportunities that I might have because I'm not tied down to a boyfriend. I love developing little crushes on people on a daily basis(I guess having a boyfriend really wouldn't change that). If I had a boyfriend, Prince Charming couldn't swoop in at any moment and sweep me off my feet. I'm only responsible for myself and to myself. I'm perfectly free to have male friends and flirt with them horribly without the risk of making someone jealous. There are no fights. That's a big one right there. I don't have to worry about or plan for the future because it is just mine. There are sooooo many reasons so stay single.

That having been said, if the opportunity becomes immanent, I'm sure I'll end up with a boyfriend of some sort. We'll just have to wait and see.