Monday, May 16, 2005

hmmm... a blog.

Well then, here I go. I've joined the masses. We'll see where this leads... if anywhere.

My thoughts today:

I have a story that needs to be written... a novel perhaps. I need to get on that, make myself an honest woman. I was born bound to creativity and I need to live that life instead of fearing it. The words have been rolling around in my head for so long.

I have stories(plural) that need to be written. If I am being honest.

I would like so much to disassociate myself from part of my family. It is so difficult and frustrating trying to be a part of their world, especially when they've never been a part of mine. Do I have to call them family? Sometimes I resolve not bother with it anymore, but it wouldn't be fair to those kids. Maybe someday it will feel more like they're actually my siblings. Besides, I've been trying for so long I don't think I know how to stop.

Today was painful though. I must admit it hurt.

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